Ook hier in Maleisië vergeten ze wel eens met het oog op de vooruitgang het verleden. Één van de mooiere oude gebouwen moet nu plaats maken voor een nieuw winkelcentrum! Dit wordt te gek en ik ben achter het toetsenbord geklommen om een kreet te slaken voor behoud van dit speciale gebouw dat waarschijnlijk meer geschiedenis heeft gezien dan welk gebouw dan ook in Kuala Lumpur.

Ingezonden brief aan de redactie van de New Straits Times
Old Pudu Prison
I'm stunned by such a dumb und possible impulsive decision to tear down one of the last remaining beauties around old Kuala Lumpur!
As a long time visitor I've seen the city evolve a lot for the better but also a bit for the worse. I always hoped that the government would save old Pudu Jail as an example of the Victorian building the city once had. There are many examples of old prisons that are great tourist attractions. A couple of weeks ago I was in Ireland and visited Kilmainham Goal. (http://www.heritageireland.ie/en/Dublin/KilmainhamGaol/) It was busy as ever and the tour was very interesting!
When I meet my friends after brought them to Kuala Lumpur one of the few things they always remember and talk about are Batu Caves or the Petronas Towers. I love these two a lot but they have nothing to do with the grandeur KL tries to accumulate. After KL we normally visit Singapore and my friends always were impressed by the conservation of the old neighborhoods and old buildings. They like to talk about the atmosphere but one thing stands out and they always start with that particular attraction in Singapore. The nice relaxing evenings and dinners we had. The romantic atmosphere that took out of the bustling city with a couple of footsteps. You are thinking of what attraction we have visited? Yes, "Chijmes". (http://www.chijmes.com.sg/)
Now back to what the old Pudu prison could be! A natural serene park surrounded by wall and filled with wine bars, restaurants, art galleries, museums and much more! Connected by a footbridge from Imbi Monorail Station it would only be a RM 1,00 ride from Bukit Bintang into a class destination within the noisy city. Tourists would flock to breath a bit of the old history and wine and dine in an atmosphere that is rarely found around the world.
Is the government selling it for the money? When that is the case raise the petrol with 10 sen a liter!
Who needs another Pavilion, Times Square or Suria KLCC? The value of the land will not get less when a developer transform this unique building into a new tourist spot!
Is it because of the traffic? Look at Singapore and impose an ERP system or even better make the trains more frequent during rush hours.
Please keep this unique building as it stands and rethink before you tear it down. Don't turn KL into an another Putrajaya. Every old brick torn down is lost forever!
A concerned tourist and friend of Malaysia.
Selamat Jalan.
Take care, Jielus.
I don't need an alarmclock to wake up for life. (Jiel Kuijntjes, 2003)

Ik ga er niet vanuit dat het helpt, maar niet geschoten is altijd mis!